It's quite common for people to perceive Christians as being kind and gentle individuals who go through life with hearts full of love and compassion. While there are many Godly people who genuinely manifest a selfless spirit, it's also important to acknowledge that not all Christians are who society expects them to be. The world often misinterprets the human tendency of a believer to fail just like everybody else when it comes to expressing kindness. In this article, we'll delve into the potential reasons behind this peculiar phenomenon.

1. Temptation to Self-Righteousness

When one identifies as a Christian, they voluntarily submit their life to Jesus Christ. Subsequently, as disciples, believers can sometimes become blind to their own flaws. This self-proclaimed sanctity can develop into an imbalance in judgment; it's an unfortunate reality that a few Christians might unwittingly position themselves as moral superior beings while forgetting their own fragilities. Conceited behavior denies an individual or a group to live up to the ideals of empathy and compassion set forth by their faith.

2. Lack of Inner Understanding or Misinterpretation of Scripture

There may be times when believers fail to recognize certain nuances in the scriptures, which could lead to insular thinking or attitudes that are counterproductive to their teachings. It can also create a disconnect between what they believe the scripture dictates in their lives compared to how it should impact their daily demeanors and outlook. To tackle this issue, it's essential for them to revisit their reading comprehension skills and explore more introspective sermons that focus on understanding spiritual teachings.

3. Tribal Mentality

A formidable barrier preventing some Christians from expressing compassion could be their 'tribal' mentality. Their attachment to the Church and the congregation can overpower the basic principles of kindness toward outsiders. Here, it’s vital to stress the difference between being unapologetically religious and being exclusionary. Christianity, amongst other faiths, encourages the expansion of the circle of love and compassion and should not be confined within the walls of the church alone.

4. Worldly Obligations Overriding Spirituality

As with all people, the primary reason for lapses in kindness among Christians is time management. The daily race of life, financial obligations, job-related stress, family commitments, and a host of other factors make it challenging for Christians to balance life's turbulence with the tranquility of their beliefs. When one becomes consumed by the worldly milieu, it's easy for the true message of kindness, compassion, and empathy to get clouded, irrespective of one's religion.

5. The Fear of Judgement from the Pew

In a community where each member claims to adhere to the principles of love and compassion, there are still varied levels of acceptance for human fallibility. Christians who fear backlash from their church or society may mask their flaws, making it difficult to seek guidance and show genuine empathy in the process.

The aforementioned hindrances are by no means an indictment on the faith or its followers but an honest admission of the challenges believers face, like all humans. As individuals of different denominations grow and evolve, they must remember the importance of exploring the spiritual journey and the message that lies at its heart - love, forgiveness, humility, and kindness for all.